Hey Mama,

Welcome to Wholehearted Family Health, a community that offers support and reliable resources for mamas interested in holistic health and respectful parenting.

Wholehearted Family Health

I’m Andrea, creator of Wholehearted Family Health.

You won’t find prescriptive parenting advice that belongs in the dark ages, or overly medicalised health information here.

Nor will you find much of the mainstream advice that you have no doubt seen or heard before – I have provided enough of it in the past 14 years as a midwife and child health nurse!

When I was struggling to conceive, my G.P. could only offer me invasive testing as the first step in assisting me so I approached a naturopath who was recommended by a friend. With no idea what to expect, I couldn’t believe it when after just a couple of months of herbal medicine, dietary modifications and supplements, I was pregnant.

I continued to see her during my pregnancy and gained respect for natural therapies as I learnt so many things that I had never heard about during my midwifery training.

After my daughter was born, I expected that the training I’d had as a child health nurse would give me the tools I needed to address any concerns we had.

I was blindsided when we experienced significant sleep difficulties at 5 months (hourly wake-ups!) and not only did the mainstream strategies NOT work but I was left doubting my instincts and abilities as a mother.

I came to realise that it was vital for health professionals to support mamas in a way that put their natural instincts and values at the centre of their care.

I went on to become an accredited neuroprotective developmental care practitioner through Possums Clinic so that I could provide evidence-based sleep support that did not involve any form of cry-it-out or sleep training.

So here we are.

I have created this space to connect mamas to the world of holistic, practical and reliable information and resources, from a range of practitioners, that I have discovered along the way.

It is my mission to bridge the gap between mainstream and complementary health philosophy and therapies, to provide local mamas with a holistic approach to health and parenting.

Being a mama is no doubt the hardest job in the world. You love your family with your whole heart and only want the best for them. Wholehearted Family Health is here to help.

You can find guidance in relation to some of the most common difficulties experienced in the early years…

  • Tips for a healthy pregnancy and an empowered birth
  • Nourishing recipes for the whole family
  • Strategies and support for gentle parenting
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Sleep support without sleep training
  • and much more…
gentle sleep

Looking to learn about biologically normal sleep and access tools to help your child without sleep training?

wholehearted family health

Andrea Fallon is a midwife, child health nurse and neuroprotective developmental care practitioner with over 19 years experience in both tertiary and community settings. Prior to creating Wholehearted Family Health, she was one of the founding team members of Moort Boodjari Mia, an award-winning, midwifery-led, Aboriginal maternity service in Perth, Western Australia.

When she isn’t supporting families she can be found in her lounge room having a dance party with her two Swiftie daughters!

natural health perth, perth midwife

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nurture parenting magazine

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Sonshine FM

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