More rest using science and intuition, without sleep training

I see you. Life is exhausting right now and it feels like
sleep is all-consuming!

maybe this sounds familiar...

You’ve tried dark rooms, white noise, watching wake windows and resettling after short naps (pretty much every sleep strategy out there!) but you’re still stuck with excessive wakes, sleep resistance or both!

You’ve spent so much time Googling that you are now feeling overwhelmed with all of the conflicting information and it feels like sleep is taking up way too much of your headspace.

You now feel exhausted, anxious and are beginning to doubt your ability to read your baby’s cues. You’ve even started questioning your instincts about not wanting to do cry-it-out methods because your current approach isn’t working.

You are finding yourself snappy more than you want to admit and lacking the energy to be the kind of mum you want to be. Something needs to change! More information isn’t the answer, you actually wish you had some guidance.

You're not alone

This is happening because the mainstream sleep advice you've had is a one-trick pony!

It boils down to one prevailing idea… that sleep is a skill that needs to be taught.


Parents are told that it is imperative that their little one learn “good habits” and how to self settle and the ‘teaching’ methods for this, more often than not, involve some element of cry-it-out.


But that doesn’t feel good for most mums. 


Why? Because we are biologically wired to respond to our baby’s main communication method – their cry.


The huge missing piece is the science part of sleep. 


Because sleep is not actually a skill, but a biological function of the body. 


andrea fallon

When my first daughter was 5 months old we experienced significant sleep difficulties (hourly wake-ups!) and not only did the mainstream strategies NOT work but I was left doubting my instincts and abilities as a mother.

I was trying all of the things to improve her sleep and I remember one time, I was so exhausted I ended up in tears on her bedroom floor. 

I knew I needed help, so I called the sleep advice helpline and booked us in for a sleep school stay.⁣

Despite their reassurances, when we went along I discovered that it WAS cry-it-out, and I couldn’t bear to see the look on my daughter’s face or hear her cries. We left with no plan, we failed sleep school.⁣

I left determined to find another way. And I did.

I went on to invest in support from professionals and I upskilled my midwifery and child health nurse qualifications to also become accredited in neuroprotective developmental care and a holistic sleep coach.

In using that knowledge I saw huge shifts and when my second daughter was born we never experienced sleep issues.

I went on to create the Holistic Sleep System where we look at all the pieces of the puzzle (particularly the sleep regulation system or biology of sleep) to address sleep challenges and not simply try to ‘teach’ self settling.

What if i told you there was another way?

because deep down you want to...

Understand your baby’s individual sleep and feeding needs, their sensory profile and temperament traits, so that you can use connection-based techniques to get more sleep while meeting these individual needs.

Feel like you have a secure connection with your baby, are able to be the responsive mum you want to be, and happy that you’ve chosen support from a health professional who values infant AND parent

Feel more rested, have more time to yourself and time to connect with other loved ones, thanks to having a framework and tools to figure out the best sleep patterns for your unique family.

Feel confident in your knowledge and able to share with friends and family why you’ve chosen NOT to let your baby cry it out and reinforce boundaries in regards to your parenting decisions.


the mama & Me resilience method

Improving sleep without sleep training or strict schedules.

This is a 6 month program where I walk with you, step-by-step, to ensure you get a transformation in your situation.

Here's What You'll Get

sleep without sleep training

1. Ongoing access to the holistic sleep system (valued at $1000)

You get ongoing access to the system which means you can come back and look at it at any time. 

The content that you will access has been created by a senior midwife and child health nurse with additional evidence-based training in baby sleep, feeding and supporting mamas with their mental health. 

Most of the content is short audio format that you can listen to when out for a walk or cleaning the house. Transcripts are included.


Here’s the breakdown of the Holistic Sleep System:


Use a science-backed, step-by-step plan that optimises or resets the sleep regulators to improve sleep.

We’ll use custom data to calculate your little one’s sleep and feeding needs so that you’re able to create a plan that suits their individual needs.

You’ll have a flexible rhythm for the day that works with these sleep needs to optimise/reset sleep regulators. You’ll then only need to focus on the small adjustments that work, so you won’t feel overwhelmed or tied to watching the clock.



Add in strategies that support your little one’s unique temperament traits and sensory profile.

I have licensed a university-created assessment tool to help you identify your little one’s temperament traits and created an assessment tool with an occupational therapist to help you understand your little one’s sensory profile.

So that you can tune in to your baby and feel confident that you understand what your baby needs.

Once you have this information I’ll give you sleep strategies based on your little one’s profile so that you have a custom plan to support them.



Create a sleep environment that maximises everyone’s sleep.

We’ll use a research-backed process to assess both your own and your little one’s sleep environment so that you can make changes to any factors that could be interfering with the sleep regulators. 

You have the option to access videos on optimal breastfeeding and bottle feeding techniques and a food guide to ensure that feeding is not impacting sleep.



Create manageable and enjoyable days for yourself and your little one.

You’ll walk through my 3 part process to find what self care activities work for you in this season of life to feel more rested and relaxed.

You’ll have a plan on exactly how to prioritise and find the time to do your daily tasks AND the activities you enjoy.



Use a method that builds your connection with your little one.

In this final step, you will learn research-backed skills to help regulate your nervous system if you are experiencing difficult feelings like frustration, guilt or resentment, so that you can provide a calm space for your baby.

You’ll learn skills to deal with perfectionism and control so you can get rid of the roadblocks to connection with your little one.

And you will have access to my healthy boundaries checklist and scripts for dealing with criticism of your parenting, so that you feel confident in expressing what feels right for you.

sleep without sleep training

2. 1:1 Success planning call (valued at $500)

Within 2 weeks of enrolment you will receive a one-on-one planning call with me so that I can guide you to the particular program content to maximise your results.

It’s important to understand that the program is not a course and it’s not a cookie cutter approach.

sleep without sleep training

3. UNLIMITED support for 6 months (valued at $2600)

Submit questions in the Facebook group and join the weekly group call to get your questions answered for 6 months!

If you can’t make it live the replay is always available to watch at your convenience.

gentle sleep program

4. Ongoing access to the Private Mama Community (valued at $1000).

A private Facebook community of like-minded mamas to connect with and share the highs and lows.


Weekly quick Q&A posts mean you can access additional support outside of the group calls.


Enrol now and you’ll also get these 3 bonuses totally free!

Bonus One

Finding Time for YOU in Motherhood Workshop

In this workshop I walk you through how to find the right self-care activities and feel refreshed and recharged with an action plan in place on how to find the time in your unique situation.

You will get actionable steps to help you create days where you don’t battle the frustration of relying on nap time or a babysitter to get everything done!

Valued at $100

Bonus Two

Return to Paid Work Action Guide.

I'll walk you through step-by-step, how to manage your return to paid work, everything from what questions to ask a potential caregiver, how to manage breast and/or bottle feeds, sleep and how to support the emotional transition for your little one.

Includes printed questionnaire, log sheets and caregiver guide.

Valued at $300

Bonus Three

Team Work Makes the Dream Work:

A tool to get on the same page as your partner when it comes to sleep.

I've created this guide based on strategies used by psychologists to help parents find common ground in their approach.

Get clarity on your goals and how to get there.

Reduce the conflict and find peace in your partnership.

Valued at $100

That’s a Total Value of over $5000

Option 1
One Payment
of $697

Option 2
Eight payments
of $97

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NDC accredited

Is the Mama & Me Resilience Method for me?

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This is not for you if...

what happens when you enrol

  1. Enrol in the Mama & Me Resilience Method  – click the button to go to the checkout page
  2. You’ll receive an email with all of the details 
  3. Get immediate access to the program and start implementing straight away!
andrea fallon

Hey, I'm andrea

I am a community midwife and child health nurse with 19 years of experience. Following significant sleep challenges with my eldest daughter (hourly wakes!), and discovering that there was a lack of options for mums who didn’t want to follow cry-it-out strategies, I gained additional evidence-based training in sleep support; becoming accredited in neuroprotective developmental care and holistic sleep coaching.

I have developed a sleep support framework that is protective of breastfeeding, mother-baby connection and the unique needs of my clients. When I am not supporting families I can be found in my lounge room having a dance party with my two Swiftie daughters!

Frequently Asked Questions

You have ongoing access to the online Holistic Sleep System and Facebook group and support from me via group calls and questions in the group for 6 months

I’m not aware of any other holistic sleep systems that have been created by a health professional that offer not only the tools and strategies, but also the level of support I offer, for 6 months. This program is designed to transform your experience, not simply give you more information.

 No. I define sleep training as any strategy that involves ignoring your little one’s communication – my approach is responsive to your baby’s communication and therefore I don’t teach any sleep training strategies at all.

No, my approach is all about freedom from clock watching and sitting home all day in a dark room.

Yes, eventually all babies will eventually sleep through the night. But the mums I work with are in a hard place and not enjoying motherhood and I don’t want that for anyone. I created this program so that we could optimise everything for you NOW and so you could enjoy life again NOW. When I’m experiencing a hard time myself, the question I always ask myself is – how long am I ok with feeling like this? And that usually guides my answer as to my next steps.

This happens from time to time. One of the bonuses in the program is a workbook that guides you through how to get on the same page as your partner with sleep, and that is something I offer support with – it would be ideal if your partner came to our 1:1 calls so we could work through this. 

Yes. My program is very action focused – there are more tools to help you use the framework of the science and put it into practice and there is a heap of ongoing support to help you implement the science for your situation – as well as additional tools such as how to emotionally support your little one with a new caregiver. 

Due to the extensive amount of support I provide to my clients I don’t offer refunds.

Ready to get more rest?

Don’t see your question in the FAQs?

Send me a message or email and we can chat further.


+61422 370 735

© wholehearted Family health – andrea fallon


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